Amatør> World Show amatørpriser
Tillykke til prisvinderne i 2019!
Winning Streaks Got Magic Owned by Dawn Henrich
Winning Streaks Got Magic Owned by Dawn Henrich
Dayspring First Light - vist af Aliene Tarap
AMHAs Super Amatørpris uddeles på hvert af de regionale mesterskabsshow og under verdensshowet. Amatørmedlemmer, der tilmelder sig for at konkurrere om denne pris, vælger fem klasser at akkumulere point fra, med den konkurrent, der har flest point, der vinder denne prestigefyldte pris. Super-amatørformularerne er tilgængelige på det regionale og verdensudstillede kontor . Brugerdefineret jakke, ramme og tumbler høflighed af Lonnie Perdue, New West Ranch.
Indian Peaks Date To Dominate Owned & Shown by John Bennett
DVM Trou Miss Juliette Blue Owned & Shown by Nicole Pearsall
Indian Peaks Date To Dominate Owned & Shown by John Bennett
AMATEUR HERITAGE Grand & Reserve Champion
World Grand - Pandoras Boleros Phoebe, vist af Emma Williams
World Res. Grand - Pandoras Boleros Vincenzo, vist af Emma Williams
Denne klasse hædrer de heste, som AMHA blev grundlagt for at promovere, vores smukke heste! De bedste af de bedste af 30 "& Under konkurrerer. Kvalificerede klassevindere er placeret på showkontoret. Weanlings er ikke berettigede til at konkurrere. Disse priser blev sponsoreret af: Eric & Marilyn Meyer, World of Miniatures; Brad & Debra Hopkins, Hopkins Heavenscent Miniatures; Elizabeth & Jerry Ellis, Applecreek Farm; Tony & Carol Greaves, Little America Miniatures; James & Alene Rutledge, Double R Farm; Bonnie Forgacs; Charlene Palmer, JCP Miniature Horses; Janice Kieler, Big Leap Miniatures; Tana Fowler, Fowlers Hill Country Miniatures og Mike & Allison Rosauer, Stars Miniatures. Heritage Grand and Reserve Champion vil blive tildelt et trofæ og halsudskæring takket være Stars Miniatures & en kontantpræmie.
Cocis Lite it Up Shown & Owned by Charlene Palmer
Cocis Lite it Up Shown & Owned by Charlene Palmer
Stars Game On - vist af Taylor Nicole Davies
Brugerdefineret spænde tildeles til Champion of the Amateur Senior hingst, niveau 1, over 30 "til 34" klasse til minde om Patti Funakoshi og hendes hingst, Wingates Infamous Mi, verdens GRAND Champion Sr Champion.
World Of Miniatures Anthems Mojito Shown by Marilyn Meyer
World Of Miniatures Anthems Mojito Shown by Marilyn Meyer
World Grand Amatør Jr. Gelding
JSW Optimus Prime
Vist af Dawn Henrich
Sponsoreret af:
Ken Cliff, Sierra Feed & Saddlery
JSW Epics Sky Hawkk Shown by Shawna Kirchman
JSW Epics Sky Hawkk Shown by Shawna Kirchman
World Res. Grand Amatør Sr. Gelding
Mercedes Prize Trick
Vises af Marilyn Meyer
Sponsoreret af:
Ken Cliff, Sierra Feed & Saddlery
First Knights Prima Ballerina Shown by Lori Barile
First Knights Prima Ballerina Shown by Lori Barile
Verdens store amatør sr. Mare
Aloha Acres Neon Rose
Vist af Harry Minner
Sponsoreret af:
Nicole & Boomer Pearsall, Diva Valley Miniatures
Forever Rebels Renegade Light It Up Shown by Belinda Young
Forever Rebels Renegade Light It Up Shown by Belinda Young
World Res. Grand amatør jr. Hingst
Alliance Boleros Vincenzo
Vises af Emma Williams
Sponsoreret af:
Emma Roberts & Katrina Gawler, Emeena Uk.
LR Aristocrat Champagne Lady Shown by Greg Stringer
LR Aristocrat Champagne Lady Shown by Greg Stringer
Verdens store amatørbestandstype
RFM Amirs Victorious
Vises af Andrew Mueller
Sponsoreret af:
Janet Matzner, Cedar Tree Ranch
Grandviews Toy Veyron Shown by Leigh Murray
Grandviews Toy Veyron Shown by Leigh Murray
World Res. Grand amatør klassisk fornøjelse
Wingates Sinisters Silhouette
Vist af Helynn Emory
Sponsoreret af:
Joseph & Amanda Benton, Rowan Creek Farms
Bar NS Its Fun To Be Free Shown by Julianna Myers
Bar NS Its Fun To Be Free Shown by Julianna Myers
World Grand amatør single fornøjelse
Lymricks Irresistible Force
Vises af Lauren Greaves
Sponsoreret af:
Joseph & Amanda Benton, Rowan Creek Farms
Frost Hill Talk Derby To Me Shown by Sarah Murray
Frost Hill Talk Derby To Me Shown by Sarah Murray
World Res. Grand Amatør Jr. Gelding
Alliance Incendios Whispereddesitiny
Vises af Emma Roberts
Sponsoreret af:
Ken Cliff, Sierra Feed & Saddlery
Indian Peaks Dare To Be A Knockout Shown by John Bennett
Indian Peaks Dare To Be A Knockout Shown by John Bennett
Verdens store amatør jr. Mare
Indian Peaks tør drømme
Vist af John Bennett
Sponsoreret af:
Marie Powell, Nehi Ranch
Greystone Nobles Lady Alexis Shown by Kristina Slobody
Greystone Nobles Lady Alexis Shown by Kristina Slobody
World Res. Grand Amatør Sr. Mare
Alliance Boleros Isabella
Vises af Austin Good
Sponsoreret af:
Nicole & Boomer Pearsall, Diva Valley Miniatures
Alliance Boleros Enzo Shown by Lori Barile
Alliance Boleros Enzo Shown by Lori Barile
World Grand Amatør Sr. hingst
Alliance Boleros Enzo
Vist af Lori Barile Naveh
Sponsoreret af:
Mid America Miniature Horse Club
Tibbs Ina Tizzi Tango Shown by Bobbi Briggs
Tibbs Ina Tizzi Tango Shown by Bobbi Briggs
World Res. Grand amatør aktietype
Tibbs Ina Tizzi Tango
Vist af Jayme Hobbs
Sponsoreret af:
Janet Matzner, Cedar Tree Ranch
Los Arboles Idols Hit Parade Shown by Susan Hallmark
Los Arboles Idols Hit Parade Shown by Susan Hallmark
World Grand Amatør Country Pleasure
Første ridder legendariske ikon
Vises af Marilyn Meyer
Sponsoreret af:
Jon & Charmayne Zucker, Rockin Z Miniatures
Bar NS Maxxximum Moon Shown by Shawn Hester
Bar NS Maxxximum Moon Shown by Shawn Hester
World Res. Grand amatør single fornøjelse
Bar NS Det er sjovt at være fri
Vises af Julianna Myers
Sponsoreret af:
Joseph & Amanda Benton, Rowan Creek Farms
Mercedes Prize Trick Shown by Marilyn Meyer
Mercedes Prize Trick Shown by Marilyn Meyer
World Grand Amatør Sr. Gelding
Alliance Boleros Armani
Vises af Melissa Nauman
Sponsoreret af:
Ken Cliff, Sierra Feed & Saddlery
DVM Trou Miss Juliette Shown by Nicole Pearsall
DVM Trou Miss Juliette Shown by Nicole Pearsall
World Res. Grand amatør jr. Mare
Pandoras Boleros Phoebe
Vises af Emma Williams
Sponsoreret af:
Marie Powell, Nehi Ranch
Indian Peaks Dare To Dominate Shown by John Bennett
Indian Peaks Dare To Dominate Shown by John Bennett
Verdenshøjeste amatør jr. Hingst
CMC Majestic Born To Lead
Vises af søster Tereska Tusler
Sponsoreret af:
Emma Roberts & Katrina Gawler, Emeena Uk.
Cocis Lite It Up Shown by Charlene Palmer
Cocis Lite It Up Shown by Charlene Palmer
World Res. Grand Amatør Sr. Hingst
Bar NS Det er sjovt at være fri
Vises af Julianna Myers
Sponsoreret af:
Mid America Miniature Horse Club
LM Idols Eternal Hawk Shown by Shawn Hester
LM Idols Eternal Hawk Shown by Shawn Hester
Verdens store amatør klassiske fornøjelse
Havregryn Acres She Kan B Silverbelle
Vises af Austin Good
Sponsoreret af:
Joseph & Amanda Benton, Rowan Creek Farms
Simply Irresistable CKM Shown by Kristina Slobody
Simply Irresistable CKM Shown by Kristina Slobody
World Res. Grand Amatør Country Pleasure
Coyote Creeks Scrapy Red
Vist af Natalie Berglund
Sponsoreret af:
Jon & Charmayne Zucker, Rockin Z Miniatures
Vintage Farms Imagine Shown by Katie Hansen
Vintage Farms Imagine Shown by Katie Hansen
Verdens store amatør Roadster Horse
Aragons Hurricane Harbour
Vises af Allyson Waites
Sponsoreret af:
Lonnie Perdue, New West Ranch
Bar NS Its Fun To Be Free Shown by Julianna Myers
Bar NS Its Fun To Be Free Shown by Julianna Myers
World Res. Grand amatør Roadster Horse
Wingates Infamous Mi
Vises af Madison Holly
Sponsoreret af:
Lonnie Perdue, New West Ranch
World Show amatørpriser
På AMHA World Championship Show konkurrerer udstillere om en række priser. Nogle af de mest populære præmier inkluderer smukke bronze hestekopstrofæer og halebånd til mester og reserve, klassiske bånd til top ti-vindere og en række særlige priser, der varierer efter kategori. Tak til alle AMHA-sponsorer, der muliggør disse priser til verdensmesterskabet! Din generøsitet er fantastisk!